Upon arrival to Hilton Head Island, it was 85 degrees and sunny and we enjoyed the outdoors for the afternoon and evening. Then it got rainy and chilly for the following two days, thankfully not as cold as New Hampshire.

We are parked at site 377. As crowded as the resort looks on the map, it doesn't feel crowded because of the landscaping and abundance of trees.
I recorded video of the resort to create a virtual tour. That will be published separately.
On the rainy moments we enjoyed some downtime after all of the driving to reach HHI. We caught up on work, reading, and laundry.
Willy is getting acclimated to RV living. He seems quite comfortable. There is lots to watch outside the windows: people, dogs, birds, and squirrels.
As we wait for sunbathing weather, we will explore nature preserves and other areas of the island. There is bird watching to do and we are sure to see an alligator or two.
Come to the beach and the Tiki Hut Bar.
That's all for now; the sun is out and we're getting out and about.
This looks fabulous!!! Nancy P.