Whiskey should be writing this but he's not; he has no time because he is a wooden boat collector and busy working on them. Wooden boats require unending work and upkeep requiring hours of time. I don't have hobbies that take huge amounts of time so I'm the one doing the blog posts.
Sides have been varnished and the bottom and boot stripe repainted. She's almost ready to be launched for the season.

First step is that the boat gets squeezed into the garage.
After the boat is off of the trailer the bottom gets sanded and primed.
Not shown is that the sides were scuffed and then varnished. Once bottom is primed it is top coated, the white boot stripe painted. The taping on and off is maddening, and I have no patience for tedious projects like that, good thing Whiskey does.
Next is that the hardware goes back on, boat gets cleaned and put back on the trailer, then it is transported to the marina to set sail, hopefully this week. Weather permitting!

Here is the boat in the lake summer 2020. We are ready for warm sunny days and smooth sails. Making the most of life as best we can.
