It's time for Christmas at home. We enjoyed a lovely month of festivities and are now winding down for a quiet Christmas at home.

Annual portrait this year is with Bell and Little Guy. We would love to include our two cats, but that is a tough task.
We are still missing our Homer and JJ. However, Bell is warming our hearts and bringing joy to our lives with her hugs and young energy.
Here is the video trying to capture our annual portrait. I wish I had thought to do this the prior years because it is funny to watch us trying to corral the pets to cooperate.
The homestead covered in snow; it was nice while it lasted. A rainstorm followed by extreme cold came through and created an ugly and treacherous scene.

Here is the Barn Lounge tree.
I made a video of choosing the tree and getting it set up in the barn. Watch the lights going up in 16X speed.
I love the Christmas holiday season. It is festive and filled with good eats and drinks.
A new favorite this year is the Sugar Cookie Martini. it is a tasty after dinner cocktail.

Here is my recipe:
Rub the rim of a martini glass with honey and cover the edge with sprinkles.
1.5 ounce of vanilla vodka (or use regular vodka and add a dash of vanilla extract)
1.5 ounce of Bailey's
1 ounce of amaretto
2 ounces of milk or cream
Place all in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake until chilled. Using a strainer to catch the ice, pour into the glass and enjoy!
Now for the boozy eggnog...this is the ultimate after dinner dessert drink. And it is especially nice for dunking cookies. Follow me for more healthy diet tips! LOL!!

Watch me, Wine, make boozy eggnog. Recipe is in the video description if you watch it on YouTube.
Scenes from home. Bell is doing great! All is going well.
Besides nut roll, pierogies are another Slovak family tradition. My preferred filling is cheesy mashed potato with bacon. (Whiskey came up with the bacon idea last year)
Video of pierogi making.
Christmas this year will be spent at home. Friends will join us for Christmas day for a relaxed dinner served by the fire.
Thank you so much for reading and watching our content. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.

It looks so wonderful! Merry Christmas!