I've been making sourdough loaves since June, and I've been sharing as I go along. The way I share the bread is to place it on a reclaimed board from my barn. Here is the story behind the boards.

In 2021 we remodeled a portion of our barn. A by-product of that project was a large amount of wood scraps that were tossed into a pile outside. After going through the pile to determine what was going to the dump, I thought that many of the boards were too interesting to take to the dump.
At that moment we started to stack the boards on tables behind the barn and somewhat covered them. They stayed there through the winter and spring of 2022. Then I went through the wood again and sorted pieces. This is where I thought of making cutting boards or shelves, or something.
During the summer, the smaller manageable pieces were moved into a room in the barn and stayed there for the winter and spring. I kept looking at the pile and looking at the knobs and pulls that were hanging around in the barn. So, I got to work on actually doing something with these scraps a full year later. (There never seemed to be enough time to get started on that project.)
I scrub and bleach each board, let them dry, lightly sand them, and then wax them. It is at that time that I see what hardware I have and attach them to the board. Each board is different. Some have worm holes, some have nail holes, others have big knots, and most have saw marks.

The boards make for rustic display or serving pieces.
As time allows, I'll keep plugging away working on the boards. I was so busy with the

garden this past summer that I didn't put much time into the boards.
But as gardening season winds down and autumn is here, I will have more "inside" time.
On this metal cart is my small scraps stash that I will use for creation of other uses like shelving as shown here in my pantry.
So many projects, so little time.

Hopefully you weren't bored with the board talk. 😊
More boards: