What will 2023 have in store for us? Just like everyone else, our 2022 had up and downs. We were happy to have had more ups than downs. The last weekend of year was not as expected when Little Guy broke his little front leg tumbling down three stairs and crash landing. Poor little guy. Fortunately, there is an emergency veterinarian center that was able to get him splinted and stabilized.

The first three days were rough as he could not walk at all. By day three he was actually moving around a little on his own. Amazing.
The plan for his recovery is to keep him splinted and avoid surgery. After seeing his progress so far, I think that is a good plan. He just needs to be able to walk around enough to do his business and live life independently.
Little Guy is fourteen years old and was never much a walker. I have a backpack for him to use when we take walks. Here is a clip of using the backpack in early December before he broke his leg.

We gifted Homer's wheels to another dog in need. I am a member of a Facebook group with dogs that have degenerative myelopathy. (This group was a lifeline for us during the last stage of Homer's life.) On Christmas day I posted Homer's wheels offering them to another dog in need. Dino, a boxer in NJ, was the lucky recipient. Dino is just about at the same stage in the disease as Homer was when he got wheels.
Dino's parents sent us this photo, and also a video of him walking in the wheels outside. This is so heartwarming. We pray for Dino and his family as they go through this horrible disease.
January 2nd, we started obedience training class with Bell. She did great! She now understands the sit command. We have learned that she is smart dog and willing to learn.
Our first class we were next to a gentle giant 100-pound Dobie. In class the dogs are not supposed to socialize with other dogs. The goal is to get your dog to focus on their humans.

Whiskey is a softie and needs training class more than Bell. LOL.
Classes are with Sarah's Courteous Canine. We are off to a good start and looking forward to giving Bell direction and guidance so that she can be the best.
This is a quick post to get 2023 started. Next up will be Bell's first motorhome trip to the Hartford CT area. We stayed overnight at a distillery, visit Springfield Armory Museum, and take a walk-through Peterborough NH.
Happy 2023!! Let's get this party started!
Enjoying W&W Travelers so much. Would you ever share the location of the photo on the main page? It's a beautiful sight/site!