It was a week of ups and downs. Fergus Fergus aka "Little Guy" left us on Tuesday which was a sad day for us; we ended the week on a high note meeting up with friends for a fun night out. It was good to laugh.
Between the sadness and laugher there was snow, plowing, cocktails, and doggie playtime. I, Wine, always Wine; Whiskey is busy working to bring home the bacon to write for this blog.

Let's start with a toast to our little guy who taught me patience and reminded me that our pets rely on us for their lives.
Our focus turns to Bell to keep her healthy and exercised. When it's really cold it's not always possible to spend long durations outside so I will play with Bell inside. She has a new fascination with the fluffy cat toy on a stick.
I may have created a monster because she now thinks it is a dog toy making it a challenge to play with Willy without Bell involved.
Let's just run through our boring week here. Whiskey brings his office to the pub room.
Happening now is that our old drafty house is getting another modification; an additional bathroom is being added. Whiskey has just about every tool, so he is doing the prep work before the plumber comes next week. I prepped and painted a vintage server that will be the vanity. This is the last and final space in the house to get remodeled. We've been working on this old house since 1997; time to finish it.
Back to the fun...All of our friends have pseudonyms on the blog. New friends have now been named.

Crabby Jack (CJ) is my favorite pseudonym. You will see CJ and his lovely and not crabby wife Ginger in the dining out clip; Ale and Cherry join us.
Our little bubble is fun and wonderful. We are blessed.