Having a motorhome makes traveling easy, especially with dogs. Pack it up and you don't have to move your stuff again. But packing and prepping takes a considerable amount of time.
I don't know how other people prepare when traveling, but I have to clean and stock the RV, get food and meals ready, do all of the laundry, clean the whole house, prepare stuff for cat care service, and have everything in order before departure. I can't do it any other way.
Whiskey has his own routine tending to the motorhome exterior and mechanical systems, putting all exterior items in their place, securing our property, neatening up his office and packing up for mobile work, and then getting clothes transferred to RV.

I use the Kubota to load up food, clothes, and supplies and drive up to where we park the RV. For this trip I only had to do three trips. Lots to bring for a two week trip.

Ok, enough about that. Not a terribly exciting post. I'm keeping myself occupied; at the time of writing this we are en route to New Jersey for Thanksgiving and writing this on my phone.