Sunshine, blue skies, mojitos, salt-water pool, and the tiki hut bar are other reasons it will be hard to leave HHI.

NH weather looks dismal for our return. I try not to allow weather to affect my mood, but rainy weather will hamper my ability and motivation to get outside in the garden for seasonal yard work. Side by side weather comparison for first week of May. Sigh...
Our time on the island has been relaxing and easy-going. We never had formal plans for each day, we just let the days unfold.
The site next to ours is getting an overhaul so we were treated to noise and workers for two weeks. It was not ideal, but it has been interesting to watch because so much work needs to be done by hand because the lots are so small. The work window is short, the work starts at 8:30 and finishes at 3:30 so it hasn't been horrible.
Whiskey rides the Ducati in 85-degree heat. We meet up in Beaufort for lunch.
Last year while at the resort, we made friends with our "neighbors". They are from North Carolina and returned to the resort for a week; we met up a few times.
It is refreshing to spend so much time outside. Hopefully, the weather in NH will warm up quickly so we can get outside there as well.
We'll be traveling home avoiding most of I95 because that road is dreadful through Virginia and north. Overnight spots will be at Harvest Hosts in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, and one overnight in a friend's driveway in the Schenectady area of NY.
Locations for this post: